The purpose of this study is to present a self-tutorial language learning multimedia game model that can motivate elementary school students through its interactive effects. The characteristics and elements in computer games that are believed to draw language learners' interests and motivation were scrutinized through previous studies as effective language learning tool especially in EFL context. Language learning theories such as dual coding theory, interactionism, and constructivism are analyzed in relation to a multimedia game use. In this model, overall games were designed with the focus on the interactive activities between game users and computers through both voice and text, and the contents of this game were organized for elementary level language learners to relate their real world background knowledge and interests to language forms and communication skills. This game model integrates sound, text, voice, illustration, animation, and graphic into interactive voice recognition program so that language learners can communicate with characters and helpers in the game. The study may provide language educators and researchers who are interested in multimedia or computer assisted language learning with the direction of developing more effective multimedia game of the future for realizing more authentic communication as a language tool. |