The interactive e-learning system that this paper outlines is an essential tool for supporting self-study continuity among individual learners. Benkyo-Kun, used in conjunction with an interactive e-mail service through cell-phones, allows users to automatically receive up to ten exercise e-mails a day. Learners are not required to continually access the learning contents for themselves, as in other systems. What's more, after replying to an e-mail, a student's results are instantaneously available, so each user can grasp their own level of achievement, collective ranking, and weak points after checking the Benkyo-Kun website. All users' history and answers are stored in a database. This communal information then contributes to the understanding of class trends and individual learning levels. Benkyo-Kun supports each individual learner by offering a means to study through a convenient and easily accessible system, which targets users whose effective study habits are not yet established. |