The perception of pre-service elementary school teachers' on English movie materials and teaching English using the movie Titanic |
Dong kyoo Kim, Eun Jeong Kim |
초등예비교사들의 영화 자료에 대한 인식 및 영화 타이타닉 활용 영어 수업의 실제 |
김동규, 김은정 |
Abstract |
The purposes of this study were to examine the perception of pre-service elementary school teachers' on English learning and English movie materials, and to introduce an English class utilizing the movie Titanic. A survey was conducted on 44 pre-service elementary school teachers who took English classes that utilized the movie Titanic. The classes involved a brainstorming period for a Korean into English code-switching process. The results of the study showed that the participants expressed several difficulties when they received a class using English movies. Their difficulties include fast speed, various phonological phenomenon, lack of vocabulary and cultural background knowledge. They however perceived class utilizing authentic materials, like movies, can be more beneficial to them than other listening materials. According to them, the class utilizing movies provided them with more interest and could enhance their English proficiency substantially. They also reported that they became more equipped with cultural background knowledge through the class. All the participants showed a positive attitude toward incorporating movies or animations into their own classrooms when they become elementary school teachers in the future. Based on the findings of the study, several implications are discussed. |
Key Words:
English movies;Korean subtitles;Titanic |