Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2014;15(2):1-15.
Published online September 30, 2014.
Not to Speak but to Socialize: Based on the American TV drama, The Good Wife
Jin Chae Su
This study suggests the ways socialization could arise in the classroom through viewing and discussing movies and TV dramas. In EFL contexts, it is often impossible for students to socialize directly in English, so they need to socialize indirectly. Movies and TV dramas are media for learning practical expressions and contents for socialization. Practical expressions contain knowledge about everyday life. Therefore, one of the objectives is to develop long-term memory of these expressions. They are interesting so teachers are eager to teach them and students want to learn English through them. This study presents a study of the socialization process using movies and TV dramas. The American TV drama, The Good Wife, is used as study material. It is seemingly not easy to teach due to its difficult vocabulary and contents. However, when the teaching focus is on the contents then methods would emerge. This study proposes roles that both teachers and students express in socialization. Movies and TV dramas are considered to be a kind of society for students. The language user is a student and the language development occurs automatically. Consequently, teachers don't need to influence this process but students need to have an interest in the contents.
Key Words: socio-cultural theory to SLL;language socialization;classroom socialization
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