애니메이션을 활용한 문법 중점 학습에 대한 연구: 상황을 기반으로 한 맥락적 접근을 중심으로 |
김혜정 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to explore an effective grammar-focused learning approach that uses animation and entails a situation analysis of specific scenes. How can instructors teach grammar without being boring? To answer this question, this study conducts a case study using the animation Tangled and suggests a situationbased approach that focuses on the context of one specific scene. Students watch a specific situation that is based on a storyline and then identify, discuss, and analyze the grammar rule that was used in that situation. To study the efficiency of a grammarfocused learning approach, this study collected a dataset including two grammar tests, three individual interviews, and a questionnaire. The results of two tests indicate that a situation-based approach using context has a positive impact on learning particular grammatical structures. The results of the individual interviews demonstrated, as a result of this approach, that students’ attitudes toward animation as learning material were positive, that both their ability to recognize grammar and their confidence increased, and that they have difficulty retaining grammar knowledge. The results of the questionnaire clarified that the level of satisfaction with a situation-based approach to learning grammar that uses animation is quite high. |