The purpose of the present study is to verify the effect of learners’ prior learning experience of subtitles and its effect on their reading competence and listening competence in an EFL learning context in Korea. A total of 119 Korean high school students participated in this study. They were divided into two groups in accordance with the subtitles (Korean, English) that they were exposed to. (58 for Korean subtitles and 61 for English). Each group was divided again into two smaller groups in accordance with the learner’s prior experience of using subtitles (Korean, English) in learning English. An American TV series The Newsroom, season 1 (10 episodes, Sorkin, 2012) was adapted to each group with two different types of subtitles (Korean, English). The experiment operated for 15 weeks (2 hours every week, 30 hours in total). To verify the effectiveness of the present study, 2 reading comprehension tests and 2 listening comprehension tests were administered before and after the experiment. The results of the study revealed that the learners who participated in the class which corresponded to their prior learning experience showed a significant improvement in both reading and listening competence. |