Nam Sook Jeong, Tae Ja Park |
스마트폰 어플리케이션을 활용한 영어 어휘학습의 효과 |
정남숙, 박태자 |
Abstract |
This study compared the effects of two different smartphone vocabulary applications (Quizlet and Classcard) on student vocabulary achievement and their learning attitudes. A total of 42 university students majoring in Business English participated in the study for 10 weeks. One group performed the vocabulary task using Quizlet, whereas the other group performed the same vocabulary task using Classcard. To examine the students’ perceptions of using two different vocabulary applications, the two groups were asked to answer questionnaires on affective aspects. A comparison analysis of the pre/posttests and t-test were performed to compare the two groups’ statistical differences. The findings of the study are as follows: First, both Quizlet and Classcard were useful applications to improve vocabulary learning, but vocabulary improvement was statistically significant only in the Quizlet group, not in the Classcard group. Second, the students responses to the questionnaires showed that both applications were effective for learning vocabulary, but the Quizlet group felt more interested in their learning process than the Classcard group. Third, students perceptions toward the two smartphone applications revealed that both Quizlet and Classcard reduced affective pressure, resulting in differences in consistent interest, achievement, and use. |
Key Words:
mobile-assisted language learning;smartphone applications;m-learning;vocabulary learning;technology-based learning;Quizlet;Classcard;learner perceptions |