J Eng Teach Movie Media > Volume 22(1); 2021 > Article
Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2021;22(1):39-63.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16875/stem.2021.22.1.39    Published online February 28, 2021.
How to enhance awareness of multi-word expressions through movies
Young Kwang Kim
영화를 이용한 다단어 표현(Multi-word Expressions) 자각력 향상 연구
The purpose of this paper is two-fold: (a) to describe how to identify English multiword expressions (MWEs) according to the current literature, and (b) to suggest a way for EFL college-level students to enhance their awareness of multi-word expressions through movies. To do this, episode 5 from the miniseries The Bible was chosen as material. Two college students with advanced English volunteered for this experiment, which consisted of 6 stages. In the first stage, subjects were instructed to select their favorite phrases or expressions. In the successive three stages their favorite phrases were analyzed. In the fifth stage, they identified MWEs. In the last stage, they were interviewed. The results showed 62 favorite phrases in the first stage increased to 81 MWEs in the fifth stage. The results also showed they gave their teacher a real insight into MWEs in the figurative category of the fifth stage. In the interview, subject A recognized the importance of MWEs but did not agree with the training about how to identify MWEs. Subject B recognized the importance of MWEs and approved of the training in how to recognize MWEs. Though having different opinions about how to approach MWEs, they had one view in common: MWEs should be learned.
Key Words: multi-word expressions;MWEs learning;language awareness;idiom;movie;The Bible

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