J Eng Teach Movie Media > Volume 22(1); 2021 > Article
Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2021;22(1):179-201.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16875/stem.2021.22.1.179    Published online February 28, 2021.
A developmental plan for a task-based English class instruction model for elementary schools through YouTube and AI chatbot
Donghan Lee
유튜브와 인공지능 챗봇을 활용한 과업 중심 초등영어 수업 모형 개발
This study aims to develop an English class instruction model for elementary schools in Korea through YouTube and AI chatbot. For this purpose, this study first investigated current task-based instruction models and reformulated a task performance model for elementary English classes. The current task performance model consists of three levels: pre-task, while-task, and post-task. Activities of each level are introduced through the roles of the teacher and student. Based on this current task performance model, a new task performance model was developed through the application of YouTube and AI Chatbot. The task performance model applied by YouTube and AI chatbot provides various activities for each task level. Activities through YouTube and chatbot were analyzed according to the three levels of performance: pre-task, while-task, and post-task. Finally, this study provided an English class instruction model for elementary schools through the application of the contents of a 6th grade English text book. The proposed English class instruction model for elementary schools is composed of three levels according to the procedures of class development plans: introduction, class activities, and wrap-up. Class activity models for each level based on movie clips and interactive contents with AI chatbot were provided including the contents of activities and teaching and learning materials.
Key Words: authentic material;YouTube;AI. chatbot;task performance

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