A qualitative study on university professors’ perceptions on online classes: Focusing on general English education classes |
Hee-Joo Im, Seong Man Park |
비대면 수업에서 대학 교수자 인식에 관한 질적연구: 교양영어수업을 중심으로 |
임희주, 박성만 |
Abstract |
COVID-19 impacted traditional learning methods and academic institutions in the world, with a large number of schools and universities choosing to close and starting to run online classes as an alternative. This switch to distance learning led both students and educators to develop their own opinions based on their own perspectives. The purpose of the study is to examine university professors’ perceptions on their online classes and to provide some suggestions about them. To that end, a total of seven professors belonging to the College of Liberal Arts in D university participated in a qualitative online survey. The findings of this study are as follows. First, the primary advantage of online classes was the flexibility of time and location for both students and professors. Second, the professors mentioned that the main disadvantage of online classes was the lack of interactions with students. Third, the professors utilized a wide range of online tools such as PowerPoint, EverLec, Zoom, Google Hangouts/Meet, Screencastify, and Camtasia for online (a)synchronous classes. Lastly, the professors suggested reducing the number of students per class, developing assessment tools, and providing administrative support in order to improve future online classes. This study provided some suggestions to educators and administrators responsible for the online education system. |
Key Words:
online class;English education;professors’ perception;multimedia English education;qualitative research |