Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2014;15(1):105-127.
Published online March 30, 2014.
Integrating listening and group discussion by using the movie, Eat, pray, love
Jee hee Sung
영화 먹고 기도하고 사랑하라를 활용한 듣기활동과 그룹토론활동의 통합수업
The aim of this paper is to discuss the integration of listening and group discussion in Screen English by using the movie, Eat Pray Love, to enhance classroom interactions and improve students' communicative abilities. This paper argues that attention to these two activities is critical to any balanced Screen English syllabus design. This study discusses the results of integrating listening and group discussion activities. Eighteen college students participated in a three week program which involved using the movie, Eat Pray Love. They were asked to sign up for the online community to download their pre-listening assignments and answer the pre-listening questions to get prepared for the class discussion and to improve listening comprehension. They were asked to engage in a discussion that required critical thinking. Their comments on this class and responses to the questionnaire were analyzed to investigate the effectiveness of the integrating listening and discussion in the Screen English. The findings of the study are discussed and can be helpful for English teachers in designing their own listening and speaking program in Screen English. Pedagogical implications based on the findings are also suggested.
Key Words: listening comprehension;group discussion;Screen English
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