Author’s checklist

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The "Author's checklist” is on the journal submission website. Without submitting a separate document, this can be done as part of the online submission process.

Author’s Checklist

The following list should be used during the final checking of manuscripts to ensure they meet the Submission Regulations for STEM. Please check the items below and put a √ when each is completed before uploading the manuscript. The author (a corresponding author or co-authors) should complete the following checklist.
General Guidelines
  • □  I have checked that the contents of this manuscript have not been published previously or are not scheduled to be published in any other journal.
  • □  I agree with all policies related to the Regulations for Research and Publication Ethics of STEM.
  • □  I have processed the Plagiarism Prevention Check through web sites such as:
    - Korea Citation Index Similarity Check Service (
    - Turnitin (
    - Copykiller (
  • □  I agree that the final decision about acceptance of my manuscript can be changed according to the results of the Plagiarism Prevention Check by the STEM administrator.
  • □  I have checked that the author(s) are member(s) of STEM.
  • □  I have checked if the work is based on the thesis or dissertation, a paper presented at a conference or published previously in any other form, and have noted this clearly in the text.
  • □  I have checked that permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources including the Web.
  • □  I have checked the manuscript carefully and it has been proofread by native speakers who use English as their first language.
  • □  I have checked that one author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details including e-mail address and phone numbers.
  • □  I have checked the manuscript is typed in MS Word with a space of 25mm from the upper margin, 25mm from the lower margin, 23mm from left and right margins, and is 15mm(header) and 10mm(footer) from the edges
Abstracts and Keywords
  • □  I have checked the following in the abstract: 1) it states briefly the purpose of the research, methods, the principal results and major conclusions, 2) it is written in around 200 words, and 3) it does not contain references (but if these are essential, then the author(s) and year(s) are cited).
  • □  English Keywords should include not more than 5 words or phrases that adequately describe the content and/or purpose of the research paper.
Main Text
  • □  I have checked the main text for an original article is written in the following order: (1) introduction; (2) literature review; (3) methods; (4) results & discussions; (5) conclusion
  • □  I have checked the subtitle has been written according to the Submission Regulations.
  • □  I have checked the references in the main text have been written according to the Submission Regulations.
  • □  I have checked that abbreviations are defined at their first mention and are used with consistency throughout the article
  • □  I have checked all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa.
  • □  I have checked that the references are all provided in English and organized according to alphabetical order.
  • □  I have included the DOI for all works that have one.
  • □  I have checked that references are in the correct format for the Submission Regulations.
Tables and Figures
  • □  I have checked the numbers of tables and figures are written according to the Submission Regulations.
  • □  I have checked all tables and figures are numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.
  • □  I have checked that the color figures are clearly marked as being intended for color reproduction online and in print, or to be reproduced in color online and in black-and-white in print.
  • □  I have checked that the titles and contents of all tables/figures and appendices are written in English.
  • □  If the manuscript is published in the Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media, all copyrights, profits, and exercise of authority, etc. will be transferred to The Society for Teaching English through Media. I will submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement with the manuscript.
  • □  I will make a payment for publication on acceptance of the manuscript.
  • □  I have read and agree to the terms of the Author’s Checklist.
Title of the submitted manuscript
Corresponding Author’s Name
E-mail address

Journal of English
Teaching through
Movies and Media

Online ISSN: 2765-7078

Editorial Office
#1219, Bugak building, Kookmin University,
Jeongneung-ro 77, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02707, Korea

Copyright © 2025 by The Society for Teaching English through Media.

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