Regulations for submission

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  • Regulations for submission

Adopted September 30, 2003
First Amendment October 12, 2005
Second Amendment October 20, 2006
Third Amendment July 1, 2010
Fourth Amendment November 30, 2011
Fifth Amendment February 28, 2013
Sixth Amendment August 31, 2014
Seventh Amendment November 30, 2014
Eighth Amendment August 31, 2015
Ninth Amendment November 30, 2019
Tenth Amendment February 28, 2021

Table of contents

Article 1 Content

Topics and contents should be related to a theory of teaching English and its acquisition and practice in the classroom through using visual media such as movies, TV dramas, and games, various multimedia such as web-based contents, mobile apps, and educational appliances, graphic novels and comics. Any article from adjacent studies such as linguistics or literature should contain the educational and pedagogical implications for language learning and teaching through the media mentioned above.

Article 2 Submission

1. The manuscript should be submitted via the STEM online submission website. If authors are members of STEM, they should pay an annual membership fee; Non-members should pay the admission fee and annual membership fee, and both members and non-members should notify of payment by sending an email to STEM.
   Online Manuscript Submission website:
2. Manuscripts should be submitted using our online submission system as follows:
1) First-time users of the STEM Online Submission System need to register. Authors should complete the Author’s Checklist and manuscript details (title, abstract, keywords, and field) and enter all authors’ information (including any corresponding or co-authors).
2) Author(s) should upload a manuscript file for review with all identifying author(s) information removed and an additional copy of the manuscript with identifying information on it.
3) Author(s) should download the file of “Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research and Copyright Transfer Agreement” from the STEM online submission website, complete it with all authors’ signatures, and upload it. Authors should submit the declaration on compliance with standards presented in Regulations for Research and Publication of STEM through online submission and review system. Also, upon submitting a manuscript online, all authors, including co-authors, should agree to transfer the copyright of their article to STEM at the time of publication, following STEM’s open access journal policy under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form, or any other reproductions of similar nature.
4) The author(s) should perform a similarity/plagiarism test on the manuscript and upload the results to the online paper submission section.
Plagiarism check site: Korea Citation Index Similarity Check Service (
Turnitin (
Copykiller (
3. The submission due dates are as follows.
  • (1) issue 1: December 31 (for February 28 publication)
  • (2) issue 2: March 31 (for May 31 publication) – English only
  • (3) issue 3: June 30 (for August 31 publication)
  • (4) issue 4: September 30 (for November 30 publication) – English only
Extended deadline notice will be possible after the Editorial Board meeting.

Article 3 Specifications for Manuscripts

1. The manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word (ver. 2000 or higher version).
2. In the case of a manuscript written in Korean, titles, captions of tables, figures, references, and appendices must be written in English.
3. Manuscripts should be typed on A4-size paper. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 15 pages of the Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media (when exceeding this limit, 10,000 KRW per extra page needs to be paid by the author).
4. The margin spaces will be 25mm (up), 25mm (down), 23mm (left & right), 0 cm (binding), 15mm (top header), and 10mm (bottom header). Header and page number will be inserted by the editor.
5. The abstract should be approximately 200 words. The abstract should include the purpose, methods, results and conclusions. Review by a native speaker of English is required before publication.
6. The title of the article should not exceed two lines. If the title has more than two lines, it should be reduced to two lines.
If a movie or TV drama is used as the subject of research, it must be included in the title of the manuscript. If several movies/TV dramas are used, include one representative work in the title and note the rest as footnotes. (If the title needs more than two lines, the line should be changed in the meaning group.)
7. If the work is based on a thesis or dissertation, supported by a research grant, research report, or a paper presented at a conference, the author(s) should indicate it at the bottom of the first page of the manuscript while also adding an Asterisk (*) at the end of the title.
8. If there are more than two authors, their names should be listed sequentially, beginning with the author who has made the greatest contribution to the article followed by the other writers in descending order, the Primary author (1st author), Co-author, 2nd author, 3rd author, etc. If equal contributions to the article were made, names of co-authors should be provided in alphabetical order. Every article should have a corresponding author. Therefore, in the case of a single author article, he/she should be designated as the corresponding author.
9. All author(s) should also include details of their affiliation, position, postal address, and e-mail address on the first page of the manuscript. A university faculty member must indicate their university and position, while all elementary and secondary school teachers should state their school and position in the article. If the author is a minor, they must write their grade level and school's name. If the author has no current affiliation, they should describe their last affiliation and position or when they attended school.
10. “Keywords” and “Applicable levels” should be 10pt, Times New Roman, and left aligned. Keywords should include not more than 5 words or phrases.

e.g.) Keywords: movies, discourse analysis, intrinsic motivation, project based language learning, learner autonomy Applicable levels: elementary, secondary

11. All manuscripts should be typed with Times New Roman font in the main text, footnotes, and abstract and Arial font in the title and subheadings. Each level of heading is formatted as follows:
  • -Title: 14pt, Arial, bold
  • -Level 1: 12pt, Arial, bold
  • -Level 2: 11pt, Arial, bold
  • -Level 3, 4, and 5: 10pt, Arial, regular
Format for the manuscript is as follows:
  • -Main text: 10pt, Times New Roman, 14-point line spacing
  • -Abstract: 10pt, Times New Roman, 14-point line spacing
  • -Footnote: 8pt, Times New Roman, 10-point line spacing, 8pt(0.28cm) hanging indent
  • -List of references: 10pt, Times New Roman, 14-point line spacing, 30pt(1.06cm) hanging indent
12. The subheadings should be numbered in the following manner.

e.g., I. 1. 1) (1) ①

13. There should be a line after every subheading except the fourth level (e.g., (1)) and the fifth level (e.g., ①)
14. No subheadings should be indented.
15. The main text should be indented 10pt(0.35cm) at the beginning of each paragraph.
16. References, tables, and figures should conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
17. Detailed specifications for a sample manuscript are as follows.
18. Detailed specifications for the letter type and paragraph of the manuscript are as follows.

Article 4 Other Important Regulations

1. When the author’s name is written, the last name is followed by a comma and the first name (e.g., Hong, Kil-Dong).
2. All the manuscripts submitted will undergo a review procedure. Following an evaluation, they will be "Accepted for publication”, “Accepted for publication with revision”, “Re-evaluation after revision”, or “Rejected”.
3. When there are potential risks of a Conflict of Interest in submitting a manuscript, authors should report the fact to the Editorial Board in advance.
4. Authors can ask to exclude certain experts who may not provide a fair evaluation. However, the authors should clearly present convincing reason. The Editorial Board can accept or reject the request after Editorial meetings.
5. Manuscripts published in the journal should comply with the guidelines recommended by the Gender Innovation Policy ( In all human research, it is recommended to use the terms sex and gender properly and to compare and analyze the results with both male and female subjects. In the case of research on a single sex, it is recommended to provide a reasonable academic explanation.
6. The author is responsible for revisions of the manuscript for publication.
7. Publication in two issues in a row by a single author is not allowed in principle. The same author(s) is(are) not accepted twice in a row as a single author or co-author.
8. The expenses for publication will be paid by the authors. Undergraduate students and part-time lecturers pay 150,000 KRW; full-time professors pay 250,000KRW. A manuscript that contains funding acknowledgements will be billed 350,000KRW.
9. A certificate verifying that the paper will be published in the Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media can be issued upon request, after the final decision for publication is made by the Editorial Board.

Article 5 Specifications for In-Text Citations and Reference List

All submissions to the Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, which can be obtained from the American Psychological Association. The following are some important guidelines taken from the manual.
1. Text Citation
  • 1) In-text citations
    Materials (fewer than 40 words) directly quoted from the other author’s work should be enclosed by double quotation marks. Single quotation marks can be used for a keyword and other quoted materials in the double quotation marks. A period is placed after the reference citation in the text as shown in the example. The author’s surname, year of publication, and specific page numbers are placed in the parentheses.
    Quotation 1) the case that the author is not named in the signal phrase.
    He stated, “The ‘placebo effect’ disappeared... when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Smith, 1982, p. 276).
    Quotation 2) the case that the author is named in the signal phrase.
    Smith (1982) found that “the ‘placebo effect’ disappeared when [his own and other’s] behaviors were studied in this manner” (p. 276).
  • 2) One Work with Two Authors
    If the manuscript is written in English, the surnames of two authors are linked with “and” in the text and “&” will be used for the citation in the parentheses.
    Gardner and Lambert (1976) found that their previous study (Lambert & Gardner, 1972) could not ...
  • 3) One Work with Three or More Authors
    For works with three or more authors, include the surname of only the first author and the abbreviation “et al.” in every in-text citation, even the first time a citation appears. However, in the reference list, the surnames of all authors should be spelled out.
    ... (William et al., 2019)
    William et al. (1983) studied the effect of ...
    If the first author is the same and it is not possible to distinguish the references, write out the surnames of the authors who can be identified and abbreviate the rest of the names to “et al.”
    William, Jones, Cooper, and Smith et al. (2010) studied the effect of ...
    William, Jones, Cooper, and Park et al. (2010) found that...
  • 4) Authors with the Same Surname
    If a reference list includes publications by two or more authors with the same surname, include the authors' initials in all text citations to avoid confusion, only when the year of publication is the same.
    H. D. Kim (2006) argues ... J. Kim (2006) suggested that ...
  • 5) Two or More Works within the Same Parentheses
    Arrange two or more works by the same author by year of publication and separate the citations with commas. Also, list two or more works by different authors in alphabetical order according to the first authors’ surnames and separate the citations with semicolons.
    Oxford (1986, 1989, 1994) reported that many studies (Gosden, 1992; Hanania & Akhtar, 1985; Hopkins, 1987, 1988a, 1989; Tarone et al., 1981) used strategy training ...
  • 6) Audiovisual Media Citation
    In the text citation of the audiovisual media, cite the title of the media (in italics), the producer(s) or director(s), the year the reference first occurs; and in subsequent citations include only the title of the audiovisual media.
    First citation: the movie Love Actually (Curtis, 2003) to ….
    Second citation: Love Actually is a….
    • 2. Reference List
      References cited in the manuscript must appear in the reference list, meaning that each entry in the reference list must be cited in the manuscript (all and only the works cited in the paper). Bibliographic information of non-English references should be typed in English just as presented in the original sources. If it is not presented in English in the original sources, translate it into English. Official English titles of publishers or organizations should be used. Furthermore, if the article has a DOI, include the DOI for all works that have one. The presentation of DOIs has been standardized. DOIs should begin with the prefix “ number” followed by the DOI number.
      • 1) Journal article
        Put each author's surname, then a comma, then the first initial of the given name, followed by any additional initials. A period should follow each initial. Separate the last author from the second-to-last author with a comma and &. Separate any additional authors by commas. Include only the year of publication in parenthesis. Give the full title of the article, including the subtitle if one is present. Capitalize only the first word of the title and the first word of any subtitle. The first letter of the word in the title should be capitalized and italicized. Italicize the volume number, but not the issue number in parentheses. The page range is given without "pp." Periods come after each element including, author, year of publication, the title of the article, and source of the journal (including page range). An abbreviation is followed by a period, do not add an additional period. When DOIs are available, include them in the reference information. Place the DOI at the end of the reference, and don’t add a period at the end of it.
        Davis, J. N., Lange, D. L., & Samuels, S. J. (1988). Effects of text structure instruction: An experimental study on foreign language readers. Journal of Reading Behavior, 20(2), 19-34.
        Pavio, A. (1975). Perceptual comparisons through the mind’s eye. Memory & Cognition, 3, 635-647.
        Andringa, S., & Rebuschat, P. (2015). New directions in the study of implicit and explicit learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 37, 185-196.
      • 2) Book
        The author’s surname(s) is followed by the initials of their given name(s). If the surname includes a suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III), follow the example below. If you are dealing with one editor instead of one author, insert the editor's name in the place of the author's, followed by (Ed.) or (Eds.) for more than one editor. Give the full title of the book, including the subtitle if one is present. Capitalize only the first word of the title and the first word of any subtitle. For numbered editions, use the abbreviation for the ordinal number that applies (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), then add "ed." in parenthesis. Completely spell out the names of university presses and corporations, but cut such words as Co., Inc., and Ltd. from commercial publishing companies. Follow the publisher's name with a period. When the names of the author and publisher are identical, the publisher is omitted.
        Mehan, H. (1979). Learning lessons: Social organization in the classroom. Harvard University Press.
        Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (Eds.). (1979). The elements of style. Macmillan.
        American Psychiatric Association. (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd ed.).
      • 3) An article or chapter in an edited book
        Formatting rules for the author, year of publication, the title of the article or chapter, the title of the book, etc., are the same as a journal/book. Editors' names are not inverted; list the initial of each given name, along with any additional initials, then each editor's surname. Include the term "Eds." (for multiple editors) and "Ed." (without the "s") in parentheses after the last editor's name and before the comma. Page numbers are placed within parentheses, directly after the edited book's title, and followed by a period.
        Hunt, R. (1994). Speech genres, writing genres, school genres, and computer genres. In A. Freedman & P. Medway (Eds.), Learning and teaching genre (pp. 243-262). Boynton/Cook.
        Baider, F. (2014). Bad feelings in context. In F. Baider & G. Cislaru (Eds.), Linguistic approaches to emotions in context (pp. 189-212). John Benjamins.
      • 4) Magazine or newspaper article
        For a magazine article, include the publication (month and day) as well as the page numbers.
        Lyons, D. (2009, June 15). Don’t ‘iTune’ us: It’s geeks versus writers. Guess who’s winning. Newsweek, 153(24), 25-27.

        For a printed newspaper article, include the number of pages in the article. For an online newspaper article, the name of the newspaper is written in italics, and the URL of the article is written at the end.
        Lorenz, T. (2020, April 30). High school seniors are making yearbooks on Instagram. The New York Times.

        If an article appears on discontinuous pages, give all page numbers, and separate the numbers with a comma.
        Labin, J. S. (2000, December 5). On idle: The unemployed shun much mundane work. The Wall Street Journal, 2, 25.

        For an article from a news website (e.g., BBC News, Bloomberg, CNN, HuffPost, Vox, etc.), the article title is written in italics, and the URL of the article is written at the end.
        Bologna, C. (2019, October 31). Why some people with anxiety love watching horror movies. HuffPost.
      • 5) Report
        Newport, E. L. (1975). Motherese: The speech of mothers to young children (Tech. Rep. No. 53). University of California, Center for Human Information Processing.

        e.g.) A report by an individual author at a government agency or other organization
        Fried, D., & Polyakova, A. (2018). Democratic defense against disinformation. Atlantic Council.

        e.g.) A report by a government agency or other organization
        Australian Government Productivity Commission & New Zealand Productivity Commission. (2012). Strengthening trans-Tasman economic relations.

        The ERIC document's report number is placed within parentheses.
        Jacobs, G. M., Teh, J., & Spencer, L. (2019). A proposal for facilitating more cooperation in competitive sports (ED573929). ERIC.
      • 6) Proceedings of meetings and symposia
        If the conference proceedings have been formally published, use the formatting for a journal article and a chapter or article in a book.
        Duckworth, A. L., Quirk, A., Gallop, R., Hoyle, R. H., Kelly, D. R., & Matthews, M. D. (2019). Cognitive and noncognitive predictors of success. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 116(47), 23499–23504.
        Kushilevitz, E., & Malkin, T. (Eds.). (2016). Lecture notes in computer science: Vol. 9562. Theory of cryptography. Springer. Wells, C. G. (1984). Lexio-grammatical features of child language. In B. Meyer (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Child Language (pp. 83-92). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Mitchell Press.

        For conference papers and presentations not formally published, include the name and the location of the conference.
        Evans, A. C., Jr., Garbarino, J., Bocanegra, E., Kinscherff, R. T., & Márquez-Greene, N. (2019, August 8-11). Gun violence: An event on the power of community [Conference presentation]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

        Michaels, J. (1989, June 15-17). Communication strategies and learning strategies revisited. [Paper presentation]. The 1989 Summer Conference of the Korea Association of Teachers of English, Pusan, Korea.
      • 7) Doctoral dissertations and master’s theses
        For an unpublished dissertation or master’s thesis, the title is italicized, and the dissertation is placed in square brackets with the university's name written at the end.
        e.g.) Unpublished dissertation or master’s thesis
        Ryeson, J. F. (1983). Effective management training: Two models [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Clarkson College of Technology.
        Wilfey, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal weight and obsess [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Missouri.

        For a thesis published in an online database, institutional repository, archive, or website, include both the degree and institution’s name in parentheses.
        e.g.) Published dissertation or master’s thesis
        Hollander, M. M. (2017). Resistance to authority: Methodological innovations and new lessons from the Milgram experiment (Publication No. 10289373) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
        Hucheson, V. H. (2012). Dealing with dual differences: Social coping strategies of gifted and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer adolescents [Master’s thesis, The College of William & Mary]. William & Mary Digital Archive.
      • 8) Internet resources
        If the source is previously published in print but available on the internet, use the formatting for a journal article, book, research report, etc., and include the URL for the site at the end of the reference.
        VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123.

        e.g.) Blog post
        Ouellette, J. (2019, November 15). Physicists capture first footage of quantum knots unraveling in superfluid. Ars Technica.

        e.g.) No author
        All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, October 13).

        e.g.) No date
        The College of William and Mary. (n.d.). College mission statement.

        e.g.) YouTube or online streaming site video
        Bellofolletti. (2009, April 8). Ghost caught on surveillance camera [Video]. YouTube. Cutts, S. (2017, November 24). Happiness [Video]. Vimeo.

        e.g.) TED Talk from the TED website
        Palmer, A. (2013, February). The art of asking [Video]. TED Conferences.
        e.g.) TED Talk from YouTube
        TED. (2013, March 2). The art of asking Amanda Palmer [Video]. YouTube.>
      • 9) Multimedia Resource
        e.g.) Movie
        For movies, list the names of the director(s), producer(s), or both as authors. Include the year of release and the title written in sentence case and italicized, followed by “Film” in square brackets. Add the name of the production company. Separate multiple production companies with a semicolon.

        Frankel, D. (Director). (2006). The devil wears Prada [Film]. 20th Century Fox.
        Doctor, P., & Del Carmen, R. (Directors). (2015). Inside out [Film]. Walt Disney Pictures; Pixar Animation.
        Socorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Film]. Paramount Pictures.

        e.g.) Television series
        For a television series, list the names of the director(s), producer(s), or both as authors. Provide the year(s) during which the series aired. The title is written in sentence case and italicized, followed by “TV series” in square brackets. Add the name of the production company and separate multiple production companies with a semicolon.
        Serling, R. (Producer). (1959-1964). The twilight zone [TV series]. Cayuga Productions; CBS Productions.

        e.g.) An Episode in Television Series
        For a single episode of a television series, list the names of the director(s), producer(s), or both as authors. Add the airdate of the episode, the episode title, and the number of seasons and episodes followed by “TV series episode” in square brackets. The title of the TV series is written iComprehensive n sentence case and italicized, followed by the name of the production company. Separate multiple production companies with a semicolon.
        Egan, D. (Writer), & Alexander, J. (Director). (2006, January 10). Failure to communicate (Season 2, Episode 10) [TV series episode]. In D. Shore (Executive producer), House. Fox Broadcasting.
        Heckerling, A. (Director). (2005, April 26). Hot girl (Season 1, Episode 6) [TV series episode]. In B. Silverman et al. (Executive producers), The office. Deedle-Dee Productions.
        Spiller, M. (Director). (2011, September 21). When good kids go bad (Season 3, Episode 2) [TV series episode]. In S. Levitan & C. Lloyd (Creators), Modern family. 20th Century Fox Television.

        e.g.) Podcast
        Meraji, S. M., & Demby, G. (Hosts). (2016–present). Code switch [Audio podcast]. National Public Radio.
        Webster, M., & Abumrad, J. (Hosts). (2020, September 11). Bringing gamma back, again [Audio podcast episode]. In Radiolab. WNYC Studios.

        e.g.) Software
        Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J., & Rothstein, H. (2014). Comprehensive meta-analysis (Version 3.3.070) [Computer software]. Biostat.

        e.g.) Mobile app
        Skyscape Medpresso. (2022). Skyscape medical library (Version 3.3.6) [Mobile]. Google Play.

        e.g.) Single song or track
        Fuchs, G. (2004). Light the menorah [Song]. On Eight nights of Hanukkah. Kid Kosher.
        BTS. (2014). Dark & wild [Album]. BigHit Entertainment; LOEN Entertainment; Pony Canyon.
        Handel, G. F. (1966). Water music [Album recorded by The Hague Philharmonic Orchestra]. Nonesuch. (Original work published 1717)
      • 10) Non-English Source
        Chaves-Morillo, V., Gómez Calero, C., Fernández-Muñoz, J. J., Toledano-Muñoz, A., Fernández-Huete, J., Martínez-Monge, N., Palacios-Ceña, D., & Peñacoba-Puente, C. (2018). La anosmia neurosensorial: Relación entre subtipo, tiempo de reconocimiento y edad [Sensorineural anosmia: Relationship between subtype, recognition time, and age]. Clínica y Salud, 28(3), 155-161.

        e.g.) Book in another language
        Amano, N., & Kondo, H. (2000). Nihongo no goi tokusei [Lexical characteristics of Japanese language] (Vol. 7). Tokyo: Sansei-do.
        Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1966). La psychologie de l’enfant [The psychology of the child]. Paris: Quadrige.
        e.g.) Article or chapter in an edited book in another language
        Carcavilla González, N. (2015). Terapia sensorial auditiva: Activación cerebral por medio de la música [Auditory sensory therapy: Brain activation through music]. In J. J. García Meilán (Ed.), Guía práctica de terapias estimulativas en el Alzhéimer (pp. 67-86). Editorial Síntesis.

        e.g.) Film or Television series
        Bong, J. (Director). (2019). Parasite [Film]. Barunson E&A.
        Kim, E. (Writer). (2019-2020). Kingdom [TV series]. AStory.
        Malle, L. (Director). (1987). Au revoir les enfants [Goodbye children] [Film]. Nouvelles Éditions de Films.
        Shin, W. (Director). (2015-2016). Eungdabhara 1988 [Reply 1988] [TV series]. tvN; CJ E&M.
      3. Tables and Figure
      Tables and figures should be completely comprehensible, independent of the text. Each table and figure must be mentioned in the text, given a title (placed in the center above the table or the figure), and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals. Refer to the quoted material in the body of the text in the following way: “as shown in Table 3” or “as shown in Figure 3.” The resolution of figures should be high enough to ensure visual clarity and readability for printed or online publications (minimum of 300 dpi).

      TABLE 3
      Subjects’ Age Groups and Their Scores

      FIGURE 3
      Model of Second Language Learning

      4. Multimedia
      When citing conversations from movies or TV shows, use a block quotation format and, at the end of the quoted material, include a numbered reference to the conversation as well as the title of the movie/show it comes from. For song lyrics (more than 4 lines) cite the song title, lyricist and composer and year of release. Refer to the quoted material in the body of the text in the following way: “as shown in Conversation 1.”

      e.g.) Conversation

      Jack: Oh, well, you know.

      Judy: And ditto.

      Jack: Thank you.

      AD: The move again, please, Judy.

      Judy: Ooh, sorry.

      Jack: Oh, God, sorry. You all right?

      (Conversation 1, Love Actually)

      e.g.) Lyrics

      Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

      Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

      Brown paper packages tied up with strings

      These are a few of my favorite things

      (My Favorite Things, Hammerstein, 1959/1964)

Journal of English
Teaching through
Movies and Media

Online ISSN: 2765-7078

Editorial Office
#1219, Bugak building, Kookmin University,
Jeongneung-ro 77, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02707, Korea

Copyright © 2025 by The Society for Teaching English through Media.

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