Disclosure Form for People with Personal Connections

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Disclosure Form for People with Personal Connections

This is an example of the disclosure form researchers can use when they wish to involve people they are personally connected to in their research.

□ Summary of Research Project (Based on Research Plan)

Title of Research
Research Period -
Principal Investigator (Name)(Affiliation)(Position)
Grant support (Funding agency)(Amount of grants)won
※ If the research program does not receive any funding, do not fill out this section.
- Investigator A (Name/Affiliation/Position)
- Investigator B (Name/Affiliation/Position)
- People with personal connections (Name/Affiliation/Position)

□ Type of Relationship (Check the box)

Kinship (family and relatives) Minor
Spouse Offspring Other Acquaintance’s
R&E Program Investigator Other

□ Reason for People with Personal Connections to Participate in the Research Project (Check and describe)

1. Observe and learn (Not involved in writing the paper) < > 2. Participate actively in research and implement their own ideas (Involved in writing the paper) < >
(Describe) -

□ Roles and Research Plan for the Research Project for People w/ Personal Connections
※ Attach a more detailed research plan if necessary

Pre-release Form for Co-authoring a Publication
with People with Personal Connections

This is an example disclosure form researchers can use when they wish to co-author a paper with someone with which they have personal connections.

□ Summary of Research Project (Based on Research Plan)

Title of Research
Research Period -
Principal Investigator (Name)(Affiliation)(Position)
Grant support (Funding agency)(Amount of grants)won
※ If the research program does not receive any funding, do not fill out this section.
- Investigator A (Name/Affiliation/Position)
- Investigator B (Name/Affiliation/Position)
- People with personal connections (Name/Affiliation/Position)

□ Type of Relationship (Check the box)

Kinship (family and relatives) Minor
Spouse Offspring Other Acquaintance’s
R&E Program Investigator Other

□ Plan to co-author with someone with a personal connection (Check)

Conference Journal
Domestic International Domestic International
- - - -
<Summary of Conference to present>
- Name of Conference:
- Title of Paper:
- Location and Period:
- Participating Authors:
<Summary of Journal to present>
- Name of Journal:
- Title of Paper:
- Location and Submission:
- Participating Authors:

□ Justification to list someone with personal connections as an author
※ Specify ways that someone with a personal connection contributed to the research

□ Specify the contributions by research stage (summarize)

Type Planning Research
(Research Design, Conceptualization)
Conducting Research
(Data collection/ Analysis/ Interpretation/ Writing Manuscripts)
Writing Manuscripts
(Writing a significant part of the paper/ Making critical revisions)
Confirming the Final Manuscript
Author A
Author B
People w/ Personal connections

※ Caution: List only individuals who qualify as legitimate authors. Specifically, not all participating investigators involved in research will necessarily meet the criteria for authorship.

□ Contribution rate and confirmation by authors <agreed among authors>

Type Planning Research Conducting Research Writing Manuscripts Confirming the Final Manuscripts Total contribution Rate Signature for Confirmation
Author A ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )%
Author B ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )%
People w/ Personal connections ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )% ( )%
Total 30%(*) 40%(*) 20%(*) 10%(*) 100%(*)
* The relative contribution weights for the different stages may be adjusted according to the characteristics of the research project

□ Research Ethics Confirmation

Items Examples
Prevention of change and addition of authors All of the authors jointly confirm the level of authorship: agree that author A is the lead author and authors B and C (someone with personal connections) are co-authors according to the authors’ contribution rates.
Prevention of plagiarism and redundant publication Table and figures are written by author B. Author C confirms the novelty of the research by submitting the paper to an online plagiarism check. No plagiarism of any sentences or paragraphs is detected. (Any previous research used is properly credited.)
Prevention of plagiarism by using translations The title of the paper, keywords, independent variables, hypotheses, and originality of the research model are confirmed. The Korean and English abstracts are written based on research results. No plagiarism found after the original Korean version is submitted to an online plagiarism test.
Prevention of research misconducts The original data used for empirical analysis are well recorded. The sources of tables and figures are indicated.
Prevention of plagiarism by using salami/ segmented publication The most similar previous research is ( ). The presentation of the idea is by author A and author C supplemented the findings.

( ) Month ( ) Day ( ) Year
I confirm that all of the above is true.

Name of author Author A Author B People with Personal Connections
Confirmation signature

Standards for Determining Substantial Contributions as a Co-author (example)

  • 1. Did they present the original ideas in the research?
  • 2. Did they design the research?
  • 3. Did they understand the research plan and gather the data, interpret and analyze the data, and contribute to the research as an author?
  • 4. Did they record data that they produced or write a manuscript by analyzing and interpreting data? Also, were their contributions included in the final version?
  • 5. Did they make significant intellectual contributions (comments, revisions or supplements) to the draft?

Journal of English
Teaching through
Movies and Media

Online ISSN: 2765-7078

Editorial Office
#1219, Bugak building, Kookmin University,
Jeongneung-ro 77, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02707, Korea
E-mail: stem@stemedia.co.kr                

Copyright © 2025 by The Society for Teaching English through Media.

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