I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 고유명사
(1) Names are words for individuals (singletons of any kind).
(2) Names have no meaning.
(3) Names are to be classified as either proper or common. (2009, p. 433)
2. 고유명사의 유형
1) a. She lives in New Zealand. b. Clinton was re-elected. [full NP]
2) a. the New Zealand government b. the Clinton administration [modifier]
3) a. the New Zealand of my youth b. the new Clinton [head] (Payne & Huddleston, 2002, p. 516)
3. 고유명사의 백과사전적 정보와 어휘 점화
III. 연구 방법
1. 피험자
2. 교재
3. 절차
IV. 연구 결과와 분석
1. 고유명사에 대한 태도와 인식
1) Anne: How was my speech?
2) Sarah: You were brilliant.
3) Anne: Did I lisp?
4) Sarah: You don’t lisp.
5) Anne: I know. That was what was so troubling about it. The thought that I suddenly did.
6) Sarah: No.
7) Anne: Sarah, you must say hello to the little ones.
8) Sarah: No. It is macabre.
(대화 1, The Favorite)
1) Harley: Prime Minister, we need to discuss who will go to the French with the peace treaty proposal.
2) Sarah: We do not need a peace treaty proposal. We have them on the run.
3) Harley: So they will give in to us.
4) Godolphin: One battle will not win the war.
5) Harley: I have held my party together, as we the country landowners have essentially paid for this entire war…
6) Godolphin: And grateful we are, too.
7) Harley: While city merchants enrich themselves from it.
8) Marlborough: And yet I do not see your fat tweedy dead when I look out upon the battlefield.
9) Harley: We’re out of money. My point.
(대화 2, The Favorite)
1) Sally: Mrs. Meg says you are to scrub the floor until she can her toothless, fat face in it.
2) Abigail: (She is carrying a water basket, but she is moaning as soon as she starts scrubbing the floor.)
3) Sally: (pretending to be calm) You might need gloves. Lye is dangerous. It burns bad.
4) Meg: You! Grab the bandage box off the shelf. The queen’s had an attack of gout!
5) Abigail: (She grabs the bandage box in a hurry.)
(대화 3, The Favorite)