J Eng Teach Movie Media > Volume 19(4); 2018 > Article
Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2018;19(4):127-147.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16875/stem.2018.19.4.127    Published online November 30, 2018.
A Case Study on the Contents Creation of Online Lectures to Promote Interest and Concentration of Learners
Hye-Kyung Kang
This study aims to introduce lecture production examples of online English classes, to analyze learners responses to them, and to present more effective lecture contents and presentation techniques to stimulate learners’ interest and concentration. The contents of the lecture consisted of the scenes, dialogues, and sound tracks of movies that learners of different ages with various academic backgrounds and life experiences could have common interest in. In order to effectively present these lessons, the content was strategically produced using PowerPoint and Prezi, based on Gagné’s (1985) nine professions. In particular, a lecture that illuminates Van Gogh’s life through his paintings attempted to stimulate emotions by using a storytelling format with the Prezi tool and tried to make a lively presentation so students could appreciate the pictures in the gallery. The responses to this technique were surveyed. A total of 167 students participated in the questionnaire. Over 90% of the students gave positive feedback saying the way of presenting the learning contents using Prezi was helpful. In the descriptive questionnaire, 73 of 91 participants gave positive opinions and 18 suggested improvements. This shows that this model can be used as an example of customized content design that approaches creative ideas strategically.
Key Words: on-line contents;PowerPoint;Prezi;motion (zoom-in);questionnaire;survey

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