The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of web-based learning on the reading comprehension of Korean EFL learners. To be specific, this study attempts to understand how web-based reading programs influence learners’ identification of global ideas and specific details. For eight weeks, EFL learners were instructed to read
three passages and complete a number of accompanying online post-reading tasks. To examine their achievement, the scores of reading comprehension tests were collected. Student’s achievement was estimated by their performance on the reading post-tests. The results indicated that the general reading comprehension of L2 learners was enhanced at a statistical significance level when employing blended learning environments and combined type of post-reading tasks designed for enhancing both receptive and productive skills. In a similar manner, blended learning environments more significantly improved specific reading skills for both identifying global ideas and recognizing local information in reading passages. As regards the types of postreading tasks, the results partially verified positive effects for the combined types. From the improvements measured in total scores, combined type tasks were shown to enhance learners’ reading abilities. However, the results of measuring respective reading abilities of identifying global ideas and specific details did not support their impacts. The pedagogical implications of implementing blended learning in L2 reading are suggested. |