Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2001;2(2):3-26.
Published online December 30, 2001.
The Effects of English and Korean Bilingual Movies on Students Listening Comprehension
Tae Hyung Lee
음성다중 영화가 학생들의 영어 청해에 미치는 영향
Although movies are excellent instructional tools for EFL listening comprehension training thanks to the abundant real context as an authentic material, intermediate EFL students sometimes find them too difficult. This pilot study explores the possibility of using movies with an English soundtrack and Korean dubbing on domestic TV for improving listening capacity of Korean students. A group watched a movie with both an English soundtrack and dubbed Korean while the other group watched an English soundtrack movie. After viewing, both groups were asked to fill out missing words in sentences from the movie. The Korean dubbing group was asked to complete questionnaires before and after the test to assess their attitude toward the material. Statistical analysis revealed that more correct English words were filled after watching the bilingual movie than after watching the English soundtrack movie. Unlike the case with closed captioned (CC) movies, both the advanced and intermediate students benefited from the Korean dubbing. From this study, it can be assumed that listening to the dubbed Korean did not distract students' listening processing since they were hearing their mother tongue. Students reported that the Korean dubbing bolstered their listening comprehension. This investigation demonstrates that bilingual movies can be a 'comprehensible input' for Korean students and they have an immense educational potential as do CC movies.

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