Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2017;18(3):29-49.
Published online August 30, 2017.
The Effects of Teaching Formulaic Language on EFL Vocabulary Learning
Sehee Oh
Formulaic language has received attention in applied linguistics in terms of its association with improving communicative competence but little research has addressed formulaic language instruction in terms of EFL vocabulary learning. This study aims to investigate the effects of formulaic language instruction on Korean middle school students’ single word form recall and formulaic language form recall. For this purpose, 51 first grade middle school students from a school in Gyeonggido were divided into two groups: formulaic language (FL) and single word (SW). The groups received exclusively formulaic language instruction and single word instruction respectively for six weeks. As instructional materials, movies such as Frozen, Inside Out, and Notting Hill were employed. Following the treatment, each group was tested on both single word and formulaic language form recall. Results showed the FL group performed significantly better than the SW group on the formulaic language form recall test; however, no significant difference was found on the single word form recall test. In addition, the FL group students tended to have more positive perceptions of formulaic language learning than the SW group students. The study suggests that formulaic language instruction contributes to acquiring not only formulaic language but also single words.
Key Words: vocabulary learning;formulaic language instruction;single word instruction;form recall

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