J Eng Teach Movie Media > Volume 20(2); 2019 > Article
Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media 2019;20(2):19-42.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.16875/stem.2019.20.2.19    Published online April 30, 2019.
The Effects of Using Images and Video Clips for Vocabulary Learning: Single Words vs. Phrasal verbs
SoHee Kim
This study investigated how Korean college EFL learners’ interactions with different types of media modes—images with texts and video clips with texts—affected vocabulary learning. Consistent with Paivio’s dual coding theory, this research tries to examine different visual input; thus, sound was excluded on both modes. Participants studied the given words with definitions and example sentences in English. Participants then took a pre-test, an immediate post-test, and a delayed post-test to assess their vocabulary learning for 30 terms: 20 single words and 10 phrasal verbs. To understand participants’ attitudes towards the two modes, one online survey was also conducted. The results show that images with texts provides better outcomes than video clips with texts, especially for single words in the immediate post-test, while video clips with texts can help learners retain phrasal verbs longer. Participants responded that using images with texts provided a strong association with the words while using video clips with texts could motivate them to learn vocabulary in real-life settings. Some also believed that English explanations and examples were useful when guessing the meaning of words in context. This study also suggests that using media can foster learner autonomy in vocabulary learning.

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